7– 10 September 2017
(UV print on transparent polyester- film, 120cm x 250 cm, 2016)
(UV print on transparent polyester- film, 120cm x 250 cm, 2016)
Courtesy the Artist
(UV print on transparent polyester- film, 120cm x 200 cm, 2016)
Courtesy the Artist
16mm umgewandelt in HD Video, Farbe, mit Ton, 10:09 min., 2016
Performer: Alexis Lagimodière- Grisé
Voice Over: Frey Lindsay
Camera: Reinhart Cosaert
Sound Design& Color Correction: Patrick Alan Banfield
Montage: Ani Schulze
Supported by basis e.V., Kulturamt Frankfurt, AIR Antwerpen, Naturpuunt Wal
Images: Alwin Lay